HIA Introduced a latest system of teaching, keeping in a mind the new challenges, being faced by the new society in the form of Smart Classes. Smart classes is that class room where latest technology is being used to impart knowledge with the help of audio visual teaching aid like computer, LCD projector etc. Each class room would be having a computer along with teacher and a module which will impart latest knowledge through the computer to the students. There could be a knowledge center with full time resource coordinator.
Smart Classes has great visual impact on our learning as it helps us to understand and remember the topics in a better way. Smart classes are bringing a digital revolution in the class rooms. The teaching and learning become very interesting and effective. In Smart Classes different diagrams / other visual clips 3D animated movies to make the theoretical concepts clear.
These Classes helps in motivating the child as the experiment is being performed on the screen. Students can also clear their doubts by keeping a figure in the 'Still Position'. This is the latest way of understanding the concept.
Different modulus on different topics in different subjects will be used by the teacher through the computer and basic doubts on ay topic will be removed by the subject teacher.
In Education Technology, the impact of audio visual aid last for longer period than the use of audio aid.
The computer aided teaching will also enhance the memory of the children for more duration.
The effect of audio visual teaching gives stronger bonds of learning than the traditional system of teaching.
A unique assessment of SAS (Smart Assessment System) is to provided in the class room for teacher to make instant formative assessment in every session. Different teacher used the resources to teach selected topics in the smart classes.